الاثنين، 16 فبراير 2015

Open Gate for Government & Non-Government Data & e-Services

What is Open Gate:
Open Gate for Government and Non-Government e-Services is a new concept that I want to initiate and introduce. It is basically the ability to provide e-services through one place (one gate) to any authorized / anonymous entity or person based on some predefined in addition to custom-made manageable authentication and authorization roles. In a way that any citizen can, for example, allow access to his/her personal profile by some 3rd party employment agency; Where his/her profile data comes from mixed government and non-government data providers. Actually, Open Gate, I think, could be the new trend for providing e-services.

The Chosen Name:
Actually I used the term “Open” because it has to be opened to all visitors throw one “Internet Portal” and also has to be opened to all other e-services through one “Web Service” root URL. However, I called it a “Gate” not Gates; so, it is one and only one enterprise portal that enables individuals, companies and government entities to use and also manage (based on there permissions) the data and/or e-services.

The Value:
  • Access to e-Services: Open Gate will ease the access to all e-services provided by any government/non-government entity through only one place which is the “Open Gate“.
  • Management: Open Gate will ease the management of everything especially: authentication and authorization because this will happen in only one place which controls everything.
  • Delegation of Authorization: Moreover, there could be a delegation for the authorization to the data. Imagine that you could see something like this:

It is important here to highlights one of the main benefits from login using Open Gate is that the information is trusted! Since the profile information comes mainly from trusted sources. For example, the name, age, sex, and marital status, birth date and nationality are all supposed to be provided by Ministry of Interior. Whereas, salary could come from Ministry of Labor. And home address could come from the his/her bank billing address or from some post agency...

  • Business Intelligence: There could be a very huge benefits, for the decision makers, from generating useful reports and charts by applying business intelligence tools and techniques on the data that is accessible and managed from one place.
  • Reducing the Overall Cost: This is for both the cost for e-Service implementation. Since, with Open Gate there will be no more re-implementation cost for each and every service. And for the cost of legislation for each and every data access.
  • And many Others: Many other benefits could be for example the ability to easily implement for example "Open Data"; if it is intended to be provided.

Technologically Feasibility:
Actually, technologies now a days make applying this concept relatively easy. We have now may Cloud e-Services, CMS applications, Workflows Engines, DMS applications, Web Services Standards, Authentication Protocols (OpenID), Authorization Protocols (OAuth2)... So, I expect to have this concept to be applied widely in couple of years.

Implement as a Framework: 
Actually, a smart implementation of this concept will enable the company/government entity, who implemented it, to cell or reuse the framework of the implementation at multiple countries. Since, the implementation supposed to be separated from the data and the associated business. Where business rules for example could be saved as configurations and/or could be implemented as configurable workflows.

Revenue for the Entity Who Can Implement:
Since all individuals, companies and government agencies are involved to take benefit from this Open Gate, the expected revenue cannot be calculated easily. However, you can expect dozens of millions will come to the entity who can applies it based on "pay per action" contract. Additionally, the owner could also cell/provide this world-wide, if it is implemented as a reusable framework.

However I think that there will be some challenges. The most important, I think, is making this new concept clear and showing its benefits to decision makers. Since it is a new concept that is not applied nor it is introduced at any government (as far as I know, as I claim that I am the owner of this idea), it could be difficult to be explained; As there is no example to follow.

Who is the Best to Implement Open Gate?
A question come to the head that is: Who is the best to implement this? The answer is: The implementation best fits for is a government or semi-government entity, or else a really large company. Because the interested entity or company, has to be trusted to tackle the responsibilities and also can take advantage of the usage of this new concept.

Very Basic Understanding:
Roughly speaking, Open Gate is something like when a government entity or a company decide to host and provide and manage all its e-services through one portal. Actually, this is a very rudimentary imagination of this new concept; However you have to add, to this very basic imagination, the usage of one root URL for Web Services. In addition to authentication and authorization management with delegation capabilities on both the information provided through the web pages and the web services.

Open Gate is not a Service Catalog:
Last thing to mention is that the Open Gate is not an e-Service Catalog which is to have a lists of the e-Services and there URLs with description. But, Open Gate is to have the e-Services in addition to the data directly provided and managed with access delegation within one portal.

Design Suggestion:
The following is a design is a suggestion for the concept of Open Gate:


I hope that people who like this new concept "Open Gate" to comment and give me valuable feedback. And if you are a key stakeholder and you want to apply it, then you have to make me engaged (and let me get benefits) of its application and implementation; As I am the owner of this new concept.

Do you know a government or a non-government entity who already implemented Open Gate? Please if so, let me know!